Wednesday 13 November 2013

Warriors of chaos warband

In the frozen tundra of the north, marauders, raiders, and the devoted of chaos reside. Images of wolf pelt clad warriors with massive axes and fur boots, snow up to there knees and beards of all colours. Monstrous wolves, mutated and grown large through the warping affects of chaos. In the north, they don't see their gods as evil, but rewarding those who they deem worthy. If your culture raises you from birth to see value in certain actions, and encourages you to strive for those goals, then most likely you will idolise those beliefs. Most tribes of the north take a facet of the chaos gods or the Pantheon as a whole, and focuses that as it's goal.

Aeslings, Baersonlings, Sarls, Skaelings, Bjornlings etc Norse tribes ready to plunder the empire for it's riches and reap the rewards the chaos gods bestow upon them. Residing in Ice and snow in huge log cabins and villages. Personally I've always had a bias towards blue in my armies, so when it came to deciding upon allegiance in my WoC army, Tzeentch came up trumps. Changer of Ways, Master of Fortune, Architect of Fate and The Great Conspirator. Intrigue, plots, scheming, and destiny. As warrior of chaos what better way to achieve advancement than through the god which can control the future, and guide you to ever greater glory. Capricious by nature, those followers of Tzeentch must push themselves to their limit in the hope of receiving his blessing, in whatever form that may take.

Unlike most followers of Tzeentch, this warband does not actively seek mutation for it's benefits, rather accepting it if it is bestowed upon them by their patron, but each seeking to bring about change and greater density through each individuals actions.

I question I often asked myself starting this army was who governs this warband, who leads it into battle. I like to imagine that each unit has a captain, who likely leads that group around their region, whether that be norsca or the chaos wastes. So the Marauders have their chieftain, who leads the marauders on foot and horseback. The Chaos warriors are lead by the most brutal and cunning of their lot, who may be leader of the whole warband (see Chaos lord or Chaos Sorcerer Lord)

Or it may just be a deamon prince, capable of the utter destruction of a lord with the magic powers of a sorcerer, and worth the cost of both combined in terms of points.
(the deamon prince below has been completed by a member of BellofLotsSouls called Isotope99, and it's a pretty magnificent looking model)

Naturally in certain engagements a member of one of those units would take command, and for the purposes of gaming that is the view point I plan to take. Hope my army will consist of Sorcerers, lords and deamon princes, each likely to be up-spurred by the later as new and more powerful members joined/took control of the warband.

I hope to load up some more detailed images of my warband, maybe even a few in progress updates for those unpainted models. In the meantime I leave you with a very poor quality image of part of the warband as it stands (I apologise about the quality, I was in a room with a very poor light and night-time)

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