Wednesday 6 November 2013

Malleus, xenos, hereticus oh my

I dont plan on doing news updates regularly on this blog. Naftka, belloflostsouls and a host of other sites do this more rigoursly and effectively than i ever will. But when something to exciting comes along i have to say a few (or not so few) words. So blacklibrary have released more information on the upcoming inquisitor codex. Now I think the previous codex grey knights is pretty cool, and the inquisitorial additions is one of the strongest drawing forcing to starting one up. But sometimes you just want the inquisitor without the grey knights.

All the information is up on the blacklibrary website Naftka's site also has a good post about it. What stood out was "Most customisable".  That word is quite a big one for me. Partially because it brings back memories of the old 54mm scale inquisitor game, which was by definition infinitely customisable. The other is simply the range of modelling and customisable characters it could lead to.

Back when they released  the inquisitor game over a decade ago I had only been involved in the game for a few years. The hours spent pouring over character sheets, making individual and warband members, rolling an unusual d10 (Well for warhammer anyways) dice all in the name of customisation. Ultimately after a year or two it started to drift off the radar. Now specialist games are pretty much long gone, though a very nice 28mm scale inquisitor community exists, and recent articles in white dwarf by John Blanche are pretty inspiring.

So what does it all mean? Well it means I can start making an inquisitor warband close to what I had desired from my 54mm scale miniatures for my games of 40k. So I get to go back to my notepad and pencil. Minus the d10.

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