Gotrek and Felix Lost Tales is a collection of 3 short (previously released as Ebook) stories. The 4th and final is a printed version of the audio drama Curse of the Everliving (which I have already listened to).
Charnel Congress - Josh Reynolds
I was honestly a little surprised by this one. Josh Reynolds other Gotrek and Felix novel, Road of Skulls, leaves something a little to be desired....not that its a bad story, but maybe because I'm not sure where it fits in their adventures, and just doesn't have the feel Long and Kind impart to Gotrek. So when I finished reading this I was pleasantly surprised. Josh Reynolds puts together an excellent short story about the Slayer and his Remembrancer. It is fast paced, with the right level of action throughout the whole story, good villains and characters in general. it has an average setting, but I think that it a) needed to actually be set there, and b) helps it fit in with the overall story of Gotrek's travels in terms of not always having it in the same locations.
The Reckoning- Jordan Ellinger
Based in Barak Varr and the surrounding areas, The Reckoning brings a good old fashion band of Dwarfs into the mix, and the most obvious of enemies, the Skaven, together. By sticking with the general idea, Jordan Ellinger takes us through a pretty decent Gotrek and Felix story, and that little bit to his timeline and history, whilst also present a very common adversary in a very interesting way (if your a skaven player you might find it good inspiration for your own army or units). Overall I really enjoyed this one, and I'm personally hope Ellinger releases a full length story whilst Nathan Long is on hiatus.
- 8
Into the Valley of Death- Frank Carvallo
This one is a rather unquie story, in that in focuses solely on Felix, in his life before meeting the Slayer. Whilst well written, I just feel that both Gotrek and Felix need each other to achieve that unique compliment in terms of story telling. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, and if you have Lost Tales don't ignore it, but it doesn't really add anything to the collective story of Gotrek and Felix. Probably the nicest part is this semi-background development for Felix having a character (who's name i've promptly forgotten) who helps nuture and give experience and advice to Felix, possibly explaining his ability in combat a little bit by the time he meets the Slayer. As a note Frank Carvallo's story telling however is spot on, would be interested to see him try a whole novel
- 7
Curse of the Everliving- David Guymer.
Curse of the Everliving was originally a audio drama by David Guymer, voiced by a professional voice actor (not Toby Longworth I believe). I listened to the audio drama first, and personally it was the most disappointing audio drama and Gotrek and Felix "thing" i've ever listened to. To make it clear, I think David Guymer put together a good story, it had the right elements to it for a short story. Its just the awful voice overs. Gotrek sounds welsh. WHO THE FRICK THINKS WELSH IS THE MOST TERRIFYING LANGUAGE! I know that its in English, and so to differentiate the the "German" empire men, and the "?" Dwarven race was given welsh.....just a mistake. the story gets lost in the annoying accent.
So the problem is I never read the story, because its not really my thing to re-read stories so soon after listening to an audio drama. Personally it's a pretty good story looking back on it.
Just don't read the audio drama.
Charnel Congress - Josh Reynolds
I was honestly a little surprised by this one. Josh Reynolds other Gotrek and Felix novel, Road of Skulls, leaves something a little to be desired....not that its a bad story, but maybe because I'm not sure where it fits in their adventures, and just doesn't have the feel Long and Kind impart to Gotrek. So when I finished reading this I was pleasantly surprised. Josh Reynolds puts together an excellent short story about the Slayer and his Remembrancer. It is fast paced, with the right level of action throughout the whole story, good villains and characters in general. it has an average setting, but I think that it a) needed to actually be set there, and b) helps it fit in with the overall story of Gotrek's travels in terms of not always having it in the same locations.
The Reckoning- Jordan Ellinger
Based in Barak Varr and the surrounding areas, The Reckoning brings a good old fashion band of Dwarfs into the mix, and the most obvious of enemies, the Skaven, together. By sticking with the general idea, Jordan Ellinger takes us through a pretty decent Gotrek and Felix story, and that little bit to his timeline and history, whilst also present a very common adversary in a very interesting way (if your a skaven player you might find it good inspiration for your own army or units). Overall I really enjoyed this one, and I'm personally hope Ellinger releases a full length story whilst Nathan Long is on hiatus.
- 8
Into the Valley of Death- Frank Carvallo
This one is a rather unquie story, in that in focuses solely on Felix, in his life before meeting the Slayer. Whilst well written, I just feel that both Gotrek and Felix need each other to achieve that unique compliment in terms of story telling. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, and if you have Lost Tales don't ignore it, but it doesn't really add anything to the collective story of Gotrek and Felix. Probably the nicest part is this semi-background development for Felix having a character (who's name i've promptly forgotten) who helps nuture and give experience and advice to Felix, possibly explaining his ability in combat a little bit by the time he meets the Slayer. As a note Frank Carvallo's story telling however is spot on, would be interested to see him try a whole novel
- 7
Curse of the Everliving- David Guymer.
Curse of the Everliving was originally a audio drama by David Guymer, voiced by a professional voice actor (not Toby Longworth I believe). I listened to the audio drama first, and personally it was the most disappointing audio drama and Gotrek and Felix "thing" i've ever listened to. To make it clear, I think David Guymer put together a good story, it had the right elements to it for a short story. Its just the awful voice overs. Gotrek sounds welsh. WHO THE FRICK THINKS WELSH IS THE MOST TERRIFYING LANGUAGE! I know that its in English, and so to differentiate the the "German" empire men, and the "?" Dwarven race was given welsh.....just a mistake. the story gets lost in the annoying accent.
So the problem is I never read the story, because its not really my thing to re-read stories so soon after listening to an audio drama. Personally it's a pretty good story looking back on it.
Just don't read the audio drama.